Gift Ideas for 4-year-olds
As my twins have gotten older and can tell me what they like now, it’s getting so much easier to come up with gift ideas! A few of you asked if I would be willing to share some of the things my 4-year-old twins will be getting for Christmas this year, so I figured it would be easiest to share them here in a post for you with links. Because the twins just had their birthday (late October), I’m also including some of their recent birthday gifts on this list, too. If you have a 4- or 5-year-old to purchase a gift for, I hope you find some helpful inspiration here!
Here are 15 gift ideas for 4-year-olds:
1. Roller skates for beginners

I am particularly excited for the twins to get these for Christmas from my parents! Seeing how much my kids have ALWAYS loved scooters and bikes, I have a feeling these skates will be a big hit. We chose these skates because they came highly rated, they have several safety features including 4 wheels for easier balance, they are adjustable in size (so they can “grow” with your kid), and they light up! These seem to be a good option for beginners. They come in pink, purple, or black. Don’t forget your helmet, knee pads and elbow pads, by the way!
Price: $49.99 each on Amazon here.
The kids got scooters when they were 2 years old - so they have become absolute PROS at riding them. As they grew older and overused their old scooters, we knew it was time for some newer, bigger ones. While MicroKickboard has scooters for younger kids, the kind we chose is actually for 5-12 year olds. We did that because we wanted our kids to get the most possible use out of these (since they’re already 4 years old) and because our kids are rather tall for their age! One of the grandmas actually has these at her house for Ames and Joules, so I can vouch that these are high quality and worth the value. It has adjustable handlebars, holds up to 110 pounds, and comes with a 2-year warranty. We just wanted a new set of scooters to keep at our house, too! It comes in pink, aqua, blue, purple, and red. Again, don’t forget helmets and pads if you don’t already have some. ;)
Price: $149.99 each on Amazon here.
Knowing how much the kids love LEGOS, my sister so graciously gave this KidKraft table to Ames and Joules for their 4th birthday! If you’ve been around here for a while, you’ll know my husband, Rob, grew up the biggest fan of LEGOs. We truly have a ridiculous amount at our house!! That said, it’s translated into our kids loving them equally as much. So, this was the perfect table for Rob and the kids to build together. It has 3 storage containers that holds the LEGO pieces underneath it. The table is a decent size, so make sure you have space for it!
Price: $119.99 on Amazon here.
I found this while searching Amazon for educational toys for 4-year-olds! I thought this would be SO fun. Not only do the twins enjoy toy trains, but we had set up dominos at my mom’s house a while back and I remembered them loving it so much. What’s cool about this is the train sets up the dominos for you. You basically just rotate the chimney of the train and then it will change the layout! It’s recommended for children aged 3-12 years old.
Price: $24.99 on Amazon here.
I have to preface this by saying we’ve already purchased jewelry making kits before for Joules (which her brother ended up enjoying, too, by the way). We made bracelets and it was so much fun to do it together! Great practice for their fine motor skills, creativity, and spelling. However, the kit we got this past year was smaller and didn’t come with as many beads. I got this one because it includes much more than our old one. It’s important to mention that the manufacturer recommends this kit for 6 years +. While my kids are only 4 years old, they’ve already proven to me that they have some skills to string beads WITH supervision and help. If your kids have never used little beads before, then I recommend finding a smaller kit for younger ages/beginners.
Price: $8.97 on Amazon here.
The kids got this from their aunt for their 4th birthday. Super cool! It’s a bit tricky to set up, but goodness the twins love watching the marbles move along through all of the contraptions! It has a moving ferris wheel, plays music, and the build can be changed and added upon! The manufacturer recommends this marble rush for 4+ years old.
Price: $44.44 on Amazon here.
It would NOT be an exaggeration if I told you that Ames sets up this race track every single afternoon by himself! HE LOVES THIS. Ames received this for his 4th birthday and within a week he had mastered how to set it up from start to finish without any help from me. It comes with 2 little battery-operated cars and the track can be set up in several different configurations. Joules has highly enjoyed this, as well! However, if your child has long hair, I definitely recommend pulling their hair back because the wheels can get caught in hair easily. We have several different tracks like this, but the construction one is by far Ames’ favorite. It’s also a best seller on Amazon! Manufacturer recommends for 3-5 years old.
Price: $27.99 on Amazon here.
Joules received this for her 4th birthday and I can’t tell you how special it made her feel. The moment she opened it, she sat down and drew 10 pictures! She’s always enjoyed art (just like her Daddy that’s an artist!), but this little “briefcase” of art supplies keeps things organized and easy to clean up. It comes with markers, colored pencils, crayons, and paper. A total hit! The manufacturer recommends this for 5 years+ but it’s worked great for us at only 4 years old.
Price: $25.99 on Amazon here.
Because I personally have an interest in all things science, I thought this would be really fun to do with the kids! I purchased this for Ames and Joules as a Christmas gift. It’s basically a terrarium that you build with the kids and then they get to watch it grow over time. It has an LED light under the lid so they can see it at night, too. It comes with a step-by-step booklet and I think it will be a fun, educational activity to enjoy with the kids. It’s educational for all ages!
Price: $24.99 on Amazon here.
I got this for the kids to share as a Christmas gift! It helps them count, add, subtract, and see the visual representation of numbers through balancing the numbers with the correct number of piggies. So cute! It’s great for kids aged 3-5 year old.
Price: $19.99 on Amazon here.
For those of you who know what Zingo is, I just realized there’s a NUMBER version of this game! We’ve had the original version of Zingo for a while now, but in my hunt for Christmas gifts for the kids, I came across this one! It’s basically a game of Bingo that helps develop counting and simple addition skills. Ames and Joules LOVE the original version, so I just know this math one will thrill them, too! Recommended for 4+ years old.
Price: $21.99 on Amazon here.
12. Candyland
I mean, what a staple of childhood. Am I right? I remember always loving playing this game with my sister as kids. Ames and Joules recently got this for their 4th birthday. The kids drag this out often for us to all play as a family. So nostalgic and fun to introduce a new generation to this game! Perfect for the little ones that can’t read yet. Recommended for 3+ years old.
Price: $12.99 on Amazon here.
You really can’t go wrong with ANY kind of Barbie at this age! Joules got this set (Barbie and closet included) for her 4th birthday and it’s been adorable to finally see her so into Barbies. My sister and I were in love with toys like this for the longest time when we were growing up! Joules enjoys “organizing” Barbie’s closet and changing her clothes and accessories. Recommended for ages 3-8 years old.
Price: $27.99 on Amazon here.
Okay, I have to give my mother-in-law credit for this one! She gave the twins these shine-a-light books for their 4th birthday (farm book for Joules and construction book for Ames) and they’ve really had fun with them! You basically take a flashlight and shine a light from behind the page to see what’s hidden in the picture. On the construction one, the light reveals what’s being constructed underground and within buildings. And in the farm one, the light reveals details about the animals and harvesting. The kids enjoy taking these to bed and flashing the flashlight through the pages at night. So unique and fun!
Price: $14.95 on Amazon for FARM book here. $15.50 on Amazon for CONSTRUCTION book here.
I couldn’t finish this post without sharing the adorable pajama set and slippers that I just got my twins! I found it all on Amazon. The pajamas are made by Burt’s Bees Baby (one of my favorite kid pajama brands) and they’re very soft and festive. The slippers are fuzzy and warm and I love the neutral color! My kids love getting new pajamas and slippers so this was a fun one for them!
Price: $16.56 per Burt’s Bees Baby pajama set on Amazon here. $17.99 per pair of slippers on Amazon here.