7 Things I’m Doing to Become A Healthier Mom in 2021 That You Probably Need to Hear Too
This post is sponsored by iWi but the content and opinions expressed here are my own.
Raising twins sure has done a number on me! ;) Of course, they’re the most precious gift I’ve ever received in life, but they’ve tested me in ways unlike any other—especially when it comes to putting myself last. When the busy life of juggling my twin toddlers was compounded with working at the hospital during the pandemic last year, I was exhausted and knew something had to change—because that was no way to go through life or twin parenthood. In order to be the best version of myself for my children, I knew I needed to start by focusing on my own health.
Given many of us can identify with the difficulties of juggling kids, careers, and life, I wanted to share the things I’m doing to make my mind and body happier and healthier. Some may be new to you (like iwi – I only wish I had known about them sooner!) and some you may already know about (but they just take a little encouragement to make the change).
That said, here are the 7 things I’m currently doing to become an overall healthier mom in 2021 that you should consider, too:
1. Becoming more physically active.

I’ve never been overly athletic, but I DO feel a noticeable difference in my energy levels when I’m more physically active. I’ve been taking more walks and even started playing tennis with my mom (she’s a talented tennis player in real life!) Plus, staying active is an important example to set for our kids AND it can prolong our lives. It doesn’t have to be anything rigorous. Even if it’s just pushing a baby stroller – just get out there and move your body!
2. Improving my sleep hygiene.
Historically, I’ve been the kind of mom that wants to stay up a little later in order to catch up on my favorite shows. However, I know that this works against me in the long run. Knowing that adults need at least 7 hours of sleep in order to perform our best during the day, I’ve been turning off all screens and electronics 30 minutes before bedtime. It’s worth it to get that rest and feel refreshed!
3. Giving my body the nutrients (and well-balanced diet) it needs.
I’m not perfect at it, but I’ve been trying to keep more fresh fruits and vegetables around the house, buying less sweets, and taking a multivitamin. Even just making small changes towards a healthier diet makes my body feel more energized.
4. Better supporting my heart, brain, and more with the iwi Omega-3 supplement.

Taking Omega-3 has many health benefits—such as supporting a healthy heart, vision, immune system, bone/joints and more – but our bodies don’t naturally produce it. Knowing that and knowing I’m not a fan of eating fish, I specifically chose to integrate iwi Omega-3 into my daily routine. Not only does iwi’s Omega-3 supplement help me stay healthy from within, but it’s also made from the planet’s most natural resources (algae!) and it’s clinically proven to provide 50% more absorption than fish, krill and other algae oils. Fish and krill usually get their Omega-3s by consuming nutrient-rich algae—but iwi Omega-3 goes straight to the algae source instead (which is a unique and proprietary form of algae called Almega®PL). I feel good knowing it comes from natural sources to help me live and feel my best, but I also love that the algae is grown using innovative science at sustainable farms in West Texas and New Mexico. iwi algae is cultivated in the desert with saltwater and sun – which avoids harming the ocean and the life within it AND avoids tapping into the world’s freshwater drinking supply (it’s a win-win all around!) As a side note, if you give it a try, make sure you use my code TWINSIDE30 at checkout to get 30% off your first order. Plus, if you subscribe, you will save an additional 20% on every order.
5. Working on reducing my cholesterol with the iwi cholesterol supplement.

As a nurse practitioner, I know there’s good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (VLDL) within our bodies that we need to keep in check. If we don’t, then bad cholesterol can build up in our arteries and lead to heart disease. Even though I’m trying to live a healthier life through more exercise and less sugary foods, sometimes it’s still nice to have a little help (again, I’m not perfect!) That’s why I’m using iwi Cholesterol. It’s been clinically shown to significantly reduce bad VLDL cholesterol by 25% on average in just 3 months. Much like their Omega-3 supplement, iwi’s cholesterol supplement is made from algae and offers 50% better absorption than fish, krill and other algae oils—which means I get better nutrition to protect my heart! By the way, you can use the same code as above, TWINSIDE30, to save 30% on your first order. You can learn more at www.iwilife.com.
6. Making more me-time.
Since my twins recently started preschool, I’ve finally been able to do more for myself. Whether it’s getting a massage, painting my nails, taking a bath, or just going for a walk, I’m happy to be prioritizing myself a little more! We all need and deserve a break every once in a while.
7. Remembering my mantras—especially in the hardest of parenting moments.
Whenever the day gets a little tough and my twins are keeping me on my toes, I just repeat my mom mantras that help me recenter myself. My favorite one right now is this: “No mom is perfect, but you are the perfect mom for your kids.” It’s smart to keep some positive thoughts in your back pocket – because you might be surprised how much it helps!
If you’re also a mom that’s on the journey to becoming a healthier version of yourself in 2021, then I salute you. I know it’s not easy. It’s better to start taking care of ourselves now, though—not later. Between making little life changes, such as in our diet, exercise, supplements (like iwi Omega-3 and iwi cholesterol) and beyond, we can start living better. Better living begins within! #BetterLivingBeginsWithin #iwilife
Check out www.iwilife.com for more information and use my code TWINSIDE30 at checkout to get 30% off of your first order! <3